Most members have seen the Orange Ammo boxes mounted at many of CSF shooting sheds. These are the Trauma Kits.
The training for the equipment in the Trauma Kits is a limited resource for the club. We are working towards getting as many members as possible through the two hour training class.
Members have asked what is in the Trauma Kits.
Each kit is identical and contains the following:
Tourniquet, Combat Application Orange / X2 /
Dressing, Emergency Trauma 6″ / X2 /
Hyfin Chest Seal / X2 /
Shears 7 1/4″ / X1 /
4″ X 4″ Thick Gauze Pads / X4 /
“Wound Care Kit” / X1 /
4 gauze pads – 2″ x 2″, 8 gauze pads – 4″ x 4″,
4 non-stick pads with adhesive tabs 2″ x 2″, 4 non-stick pads with adhesive tabs 3″ x 4″
4 gauze rolls 3″ x 4.1 yards, 1 paper tape roll 1″ x 10 yards
1 1/2″ Roll of Tape (Athletic Style) / X1 /
Non-Latex Gloves size “Fits Most” / X4 pair
CPR Face Sheild / X1
Mylar Rescue Blanket / X2
CSF Incident Report / X2
Black Marking Pen / X1
#2 Pencil / X1
Hand Sanitizer 2qz bottle / X1
Paper Towels / X4
Large Plastic Bag / X1
Several members who deal with large shooting groups events will also be issued a “Bleeding Control Kit” which is a smaller version of the Trauma Kits. The Bleeding
Control Kits are in a red nylon zippered bag.
If you have additional questions, comments or concerns please contact:
Don Crabbs, Director of Maintenance