The match results are attached. Our next match will be the WashingtonState West District Championship and State EIC match on September 12th. It is an 80 shot RMC. The following day will be our CSF-CMP EIC Small Arms Championship. Thisis a CMP Sanctioned .22, Service Pistol, Service Rifle EIC match.
August 2020 Match Results
The match results from the weekend are attached. I hope everyone had agood time. Our next match will be the West District Championship onSeptember 12th. Sunday the 13th is the CSF-CMP Small ArmsChampionship. This is an EIC Service Pistol, Service Rifle match.Perhaps we’ll see some of you there. Thanks for coming out to our match….
notice of limited operations
Fellow members, After more research into Inslee’s proclamations, and some discussion within the Board, we have decided to modify our limited operations at the outdoor range. In addition to law enforcement training, we will be allowing training by individuals. This means several things. Since it is “individual”, it will be members only and their co-habitators, but no…
We are closed!
Dear members, Be advised that in compliance with Gubernatorial Proclamation 20-25, effective midnight 25 March 2020, Cascade Shooting Facilities is closed to all activities except official law enforcement training. This closure will remain in effect until midnight 6 April 2020 unless extended by the Governor. We will keep you updated. Stay safe, stay healthy, Jerry…
Update regarding COVID-19
To the membership, In order to comply with recent Gubernatorial Proclamations 20-05 through 20-16 (inclusive), the Executive Board of Cascade Shooting Facilities is modifying it’s daily access and operations parameters. Effective immediately, all Public Shooting events, Entity Events, Matches and recreational shooting are hereby cancelled until March 31st, 2020. However, given the unique purpose of…
Washington Junior Feature: Zevin Linse