To the membership,
In order to comply with recent Gubernatorial Proclamations 20-05 through 20-16 (inclusive), the Executive Board of Cascade Shooting Facilities is modifying it’s daily access and operations parameters. Effective immediately, all Public Shooting events, Entity Events, Matches and recreational shooting are hereby cancelled until March 31st, 2020. However, given the unique purpose of our facilities, “Training” will be allowed to continue if it is 1) limited to outdoor activities, 2) limited to less than 50 individuals, 3) follows strict guidelines for “social distancing” and sanitation as outlined by the CDC and the Washington State Department of Health for COVID 19.
As a guideline, we offer you this definition from Webster’s;
“Train” vi. 1. to drill; to undergo a course of exercise and instruction, physical, mental or moral; as, to train for an athletic contest; to train with the militia.
Jerry Bentler
CSF President